
Join the skate fun


JBSkateChicago is a brand all about showcasing the cultural roller skating quality in the city of Chicago as well as Nationally/Internationally. The JB stands for “James Brown” as many of the style moves are inspired by him transferred to roller skates. It is a culture filled with many different kinds of talented skaters of all age groups.

As a skate brand, we strive for quality in our content, merchandise, and service! Feel free to browse the site and enjoy! If you have any questions, visit the FAQ section of the website. If your question is not on there, feel free to hit contact and message.

What to expect.

The content you can expect to see here will be skate content. It will range from major projects to skate tutorials. You will get a variety of skate content from different cities & styles. However, you will get the most from the BEST CITY and STYLE. Chicago. JB. Skatin’.


The 16th Annual Jivebiscuit Skate Family Reunion in Atlanta, GA - Coordinator: Trish



It all begins with the music. The DJ's & Producers create the vibe with the sound. When you are in Chicago, you will hear rhythmic music to dance skate to. You can get old, middle, or new school vibes. DJMoneyMike has a nice vibe mixtape, just hit play and listen.